summer 2018 reading picks
I love starting summer off on a high note, with lots of plans of things to do and places to go and books to read. We don’t get it all done, and we won’t read all of the books I hope to read, and that’s ok. Summertime is the time for FUN reading here, leisurely reading. Our library has an amazing summer reading program that really motivates my older children to read because they can earn some pretty great prizes for doing so, this has been key to keeping my kiddos motivated to read through summer.
On our library trips, we have a rule. One book I choose, and one book they choose (that, of course, meet the guidelines we’ve set for appropriate books). It’s different for the little guys, as it only takes a few minutes to get through theirs, so we often load up on lots of books that we all choose.
So over the summer, the same standard will apply- the only difference will be the books I choose are “fun” books vs books related to our curriculum and current studies. Here is what I’ve chosen for this summer, stay tuned for what I have planned to read myself over the summer!
1st-grade boys:
4th-grade boy:
3rd-grade girl:
5th and 6th-grade girls:
(if you order any of these books through the links provided (clicking the photo of the book) I will receive a small percent of the sale via amazon associates. thank you for supporting our homeschool! )