summer reading picks for mama
Summer is the time I squander all of the books. Books by the pool, my bedside, in my purse, all over. We really currently have over 25 books checked out from our library and a handful on hold! It’s the only time of year that I truly have nothing else going on and can really dig into all of the books I’ve been wanting to. There are also a few that I read every summer as refreshers before the new school year approaches, and I will include them here as well!
Mere Christianity. This is actually my first time reading this classic and I’m going to purchase it because I’ve tagged so many pages to come back to!
The Well Trained Mind. This is one I read in-depth last summer but this summer I’ll skim it over again as a refresher.
The Read Aloud Family. Need I even say more? I’ve had it on my bookshelf but I haven’t had time to read it! This will be the next I read and I can’t wait!
Teaching from Rest. I read it every single summer since I found out about it. Such a great one to begin the new school year with.
The Deepest Well for us adoptive and trauma mama’s.