grahamville classical

Seeking to nurture a love for the Lord and his works through the culture of classical education

Coming Home

Wow. What a whirlwind of a year it’s been. The school year, that is, it’s only May. It’s been a year of faith testing, grief, healing, change and growth as we said hello and goodbye to our 9th child, a baby boy, right in the middle of fall. Hard doesn’t begin to describe the season our family walked through- and as a homeschooler at heart- I want to say, thank you Lord for schools. We enrolled our homeschooled children into a private Christian school through the season of grief and healing, and it was just what they needed. The constant, the interaction, the busyness and a school community that came alongside us like family. We are forever grateful that we had this option when homeschooling was just not a priority at the time.

As we know, though, seasons change (thank you, Lord.) We grieved and we grew and we’re ready to come back home for this next school year, in which we will also be welcoming a baby girl into our family smack in the middle of this fall, too! We like to keep things always changing and always challenging!

I find myself having such bittersweet feelings. Browsing through our curriculum magazines, making lists of what we need for this coming year, who will be studying what? I love it all so- I’m just thankful- thankful that we are in a place to be ready to come back home and re-open our sweet homeschool. Dusting off books, filling out the planner and restocking supplies.

Will we miss our sweet private school? Totally. It truly became a haven and a second family for us. We will miss it dearly, but we’re also so thankful to be coming home, too.

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